w88 sports bettingIn order to in -depth study and propaganda and implementation, w88 sports bettingthe 20th spirit of the party,On the afternoon of November 4th, the School of Government Management School of Government Management launched a new era of high -quality development ideas in the 631 classroom of Ningyuan Building and the 34th issue of "Teacher Speaking · Teacher Morality" teacher salon. Professor Jia Huaiqin, deputy secretary and secretary of the disciplinary committee of the University of Foreign Economic and Trade, attended the meeting and gave a special lecture. All teachers of the School of Government Management attended the meeting. Liu Jie, the party secretary of the college, presided over the meeting.
Professor Jia Huaiqin with"Chinese -style modernization: the latest achievements of Marxist Sinicization and the latest achievements of the times", combined with the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party The path, how to take on the primary task of the modern construction of high -quality economic development, etc., comprehensively explains what modernization China is to build, and w88 online sports bettinghow China's construction of modernization paths go.
Professor Jia Huaiqin combined with the actual situation of the University of Trade, pointed out that we must learn and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress, summarize the results of the past ten years with a dialectical perspective, plan the development of the next stage, pay attention to and respond to the major national needs, focus on and lead world development Great potential, propose targeted measures, and effectively do high -quality development and"Double -first -class" construction.
刘洁书记在总结发言中指出,广大教师要认真学习贯彻党的二十大精神,深刻理解中国式现代化的时代特点和本质要求,牢记空谈误国、实干兴邦,埋头苦干、 Fine advancing, make a due contribution to the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese -style modernization.