2016 International Summer School Special Topic

2016 Summer International School held 22 high-end academic lecture series

Published: August 19, 2016 Editor:

w88 casino games loginIn order to further broaden the international horizons of our school students and improve the quality of international talent training,2016The Summer International School of the University of International Business and Economics held 22 special academic lectures in just one month, covering social hot spots, international relations, economics and finance, history, culture and art and other fields. In addition to the world Big-name professors from top universities, as well as experts and scholars from government agencies and international organizations, shared and exchanged new perspectives, new hot spots and new achievements at the academic front with our teachers and students, bringing a wonderful academic feast to everyone.

Experts and scholars from government agencies and international organizations give important academic lectures

201674On the afternoon of the same day, former President of Cape Verde Pires (Pedro Verona Rodrigues Pires) In the international conference hall on the third floor of Chengxin Building, we had a discussion about "Buddha in China"40years of friendly relations” (O desenvolvimento dos Países de Língua Portuguesa e As relações entre China e Cabo Verde) theme delivered a speech. Mr. Pires advocated the establishment of a fair and reasonable new international political and economic order. He valued relations with China, elaborated on the focus and challenges for the future development of relations between the two countries, and expressed his ardent expectations for the students of our school.

711Day,EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström(Cecilia Malmström)Ms.In the International Conference Hall on the third floor of Chengxin Buildinggave a lecture entitled "China-European Union: A vital and prosperous relationship" for teachers and students of our schoolEU and China–A Vital Relationship for our Prosperity) gave a wonderful lecture and discussed the prospects of Brexit, China-EU economic and trade relations,G20The latest developments of the Trade Ministers’ Meeting and other cutting-edge and hot issues were discussed in depth with teachers and students of our school.On that day, the Federal Reserve (The Federal Reserve System) Officer Joseph Fischl(Joseph Firschein) gave a speech on "Community Reinvestment and Consumer Financial Protection - Lessons Learned from U.S. Banking Industry Policy" in the International Conference Hall on the third floor of the Chengxin Building (Community Reinvestment and Consumer Financial Protection: Lessons from U.S. Banking Policy) special lecture.

714Day, Deputy Attorney General of the Department of Justice of the State of California, United States (Deputy Attorney General of California Office of the Attorney General) Emilio Varini(Emilio Varanini)Professor gave a speech on the theme of "The Supreme People's Court's Importance of Judicial Decision-making on the Application of Law in China's Technology Market" in the International Conference Hall on the third floor of the Chengxin BuildingThe Importance of the Supreme People Court’s Decision for Antitrustandfor the Rule of Law in China in this High-Technology Era) special academic lectures.

720On the day of 13638_13682Andreas Löschel) Professor, on the second floor of the administration building222The conference room gave a speech entitled "International Competitiveness and Environmental Policy:Compare Energy Costs"(International Competitiveness and Environmental Policy: Comparing Energy Costs) special academic lectures.

726Day, World Trade Organization Secretariat (WTO Secretariat and Clingendael) Senior Director Maarten Smets (MaartenSmeets) gave a speech entitled "Integration in the International Conference Hall on the third floor of Chengxin BuildingWTOMultilateral trading system: the role of trade construction” (Integrating into the WTO Multilateral Trading System: the Role of Trade Capacity Building) special academic lectures.

“Creative Culture and Innovation and Entrepreneurship” academic lecture series highlights

201678Day, University of Adelaide, Australia (The University of Adelaide)Stephen Boyle(Stephen Boyle) gave a lecture on "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries" (the Spirit of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Creative Industries) special lecture. Professor Boyle lectures through interactive teaching+The multimedia teaching model demonstrates the unique charm of the creative industry in many aspects, guides students to pay attention to the creative industry, helps students recognize their own innovation and entrepreneurship abilities, and cultivates innovative spirit and entrepreneurial spirit.711Day, University of South Florida(University of South Florida)Gatejan Derrit(Gert-Jan de Vreede)Professor gave a lecture on "Innovative Team Management, Design and Productive Cooperation"(Collaboration Engineering: Designing and Facilitating Productive Collaboration)'s special academic lectures.712Day, University of Potsdam, Germany (Potsdam University)Kaitarina Holzer(Katharina Holzle) Professor, and as one of the foreign experts in our school’s “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Camp”, he gave a lecture on “How to Transform Ideas into Business Models” (How to Turn Ideas into Business Models) special academic lectures.

The "Global Value Chain and Globalization Development" academic lecture series is coming

201678In the evening, Berlin City University, Germany (Dublin City University) Brian O'Kelly(Brian O' Kelly)Professor gave a keynote speech in the International Conference Hall on the third floor of Chengxin BuildingThe impact of negative interest rates on the global economyNegative Interest Rates: Impact on the Global Economy) special academic lectures.

719Evening, Harvard University (Harward University)Pol Antras) gave a speech entitled "Globalized Production" (The Globalization of Production) special academic lectures. Professor Andrews pointed out that although China's exports account for a large proportion of the world, China's value added in the production process is not much. Therefore, in order to cope with the general trend of global production, it is imperative to adjust and upgrade China's industrial structure.

719In the evening, Johns Hopkins University (Johns Hopkins University) Assistant Professor Deng Xiwei (Heiwai Tang) gave a speech entitled "Domestic Market in Global Value Chains: Micro and Macro Evidence" (The Domestic Segment of Global Value Chains: Micro and Macro Evidence) Special academic lectures.

720Sunday morning, Duke University, USA(Duke University)19995_20020Gary Gereffi) gave a speech entitled " in the International Conference Hall on the third floor of Chengxin BuildingGlobal value chains and economic development”(Global Value Chains and Economic Development)’s special academic lecture. Professor Jerife pointed out that to maintain the competitive advantage of the global industry, the key is to master the strategic links in the global value chain of the industry, either extending to the upstream end of parts, materials, equipment and scientific research, or to the downstream marketing end of sales, communication, network and

722On the afternoon of the same day, Yale University (Yale University)Peter Schautz(Peter Schoots) gave a speech entitled "U.S. Manufacturing Employment and Globalization Trends: Past, Present and Future" (U.S. Manufacturing Employment and Attitudes Towards Globalization: Past, Present and Future) special academic lectures.

2016727In the evening, University of California, USA (University of California) Roger Charles Shaffer (Grogory Charles Shaffer) gave a lecture titled "Inconsistency between International Monetary Law and Trade Law" (The (Mis)Alignment of the International Monetary and Trade Legal Orders) special academic lectures.

The series of academic lectures on "International Relations, Social Hotspots and Cross-Cultural Exchanges" is fascinating

201676Day, Mark Kramer, political scientist, Harvard University, USA (Mark Kramer) Professor gave a speech entitledU.S. Military Allies in East Asia: Past, Present and FutureU.S. Military Alliances in East Asia: Past, Present, and Future) special lecture. Professor Kramer expressed his views on the political wisdom in the current hot US election, US-Japan economic and military relations, the positive outlook for Sino-US relations, the situation and development of the East China Sea, South China Sea, Taiwan issue and other international or regional issues.

77In the evening, Monte Aida College in the United States (Mount Ida College) Tang Liang (Liang Tang) gave a speech titled "Corporate Governance and Market Segmentation: China in the International Conference Hall on the third floor of the Chengxin BuildingAGuheHEvidence of stock price differencesCorporate Governance and Market Segmentation: Evidence from Price Difference between Chinese A and H Shares) Special academic lectures.

713Evening, Curtin University, Australia(Curtin University)Ian Alexander Kerr(Ian Alexander Kerr) gave a speech titled "The Impact of Tax Policies on Economic Growth and Development in the International Conference Hall on the third floor of the Chengxin Building.Taxation Policy for Economic Growth and Development) special academic lectures.

718In the evening, Ohio State University (The Ohio State University)Margaret J. Wyszomirski) gave a speech on the theme of "The Mutual Influence of Art, Economy and Diplomacy" (Artistic, Economic and Diplomatic Considerations) special academic lectures.

720In the evening, University of Chicago (The University of Chicago)Lawrence I. Rothfield, Jr) gave a speech entitled "Can World Heritage Protect History" (Do World Heritage Sites Protect the Past?) special academic lectures.

721On the afternoon of the same day, George Mason University (George Mason University)Mark Rozell) gave a lecture entitled "U.S. Presidential Campaign: Nomination Process and General Elections" (The U.S. Presidential w88 live casinoCampaign: The Nomination Process and General Election) special academic lectures.

721In the evening, he used to be a professor at Boston University in the United States and a statistical consultant at Harvard Medical School. He currently teaches at Bentley University in the United States (Bentley University)Austin Lee) gave a keynote speech in the International Conference Hall on the third floor of Chengxin BuildingA brief discussion on actuarial science” (Introducing Actuarial Science) special academic lectures.

Attachment:2016List of special academic lecture information for the summer international school

Serial number

Chinese name

English name


Employee unit

Position/Professional title

Lecture Topic



Pedro Verona Rodrigues Pires

Cape Verde

Government of Cape Verde

Former President

Buddhazhong40years of friendly relations


Mark Kramer

Mark Kramer

United States

Harvard University


U.S. Military Allies in East Asia: Past, Present and Future


Tang Liang

Liang Tang

United States

Mont Aida College


Corporate Governance and Market Segmentation: ChinaAGuheHEvidence of stock price differences


Stephen Boyle

Stephen Boyle


University of Adelaide


The spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship in creative industries


Brian O'Kelly

Brian O' Kelly


StadtUniversity Berlin


The impact of negative interest rates on the global economy


Gatejan Derrit

Gert-Jan de Vreede

United States

University of South Florida


Innovative team management, design and productive collaboration


Cecilia Malmström




EU Trade Commissioner

China-EU: A vital and prosperous relationship


Joseph Fischl

Joseph Firschein

United States

Federal Reserve

Community Affairs Officer

Community Reinvestment and Consumer Financial Protection - Lessons from U.S. Banking Industry Policy


Katharina Holzer

Katharina Holzle


University of Potsdam


How to turn ideas into business models


Ian Alexander Kerr

Ian Alexander Kerr


Curtin University


The impact of tax policy on economic growth and development


Emilio Varini

Emilio Varanini

United States

California Department of Justice, United States

Deputy Attorney General

The Supreme People’s Court on the importance of judicial decision-making in the application of law in China’s technology market


Margaret Jane Zomirski

Margaret J. Wyszomirski

United States

Ohio State University


The mutual influence of art, economy and diplomacy


Poul Andros

Pol Antras


Harvard University


Globalized production


Deng Xiwei

Heiwai Tang

Hong Kong, China

Johns Hopkins University

Assistant Professor

Domestic markets in global value chains: micro and macro evidence


Gary Jelliffe

Gary Gereffi

United States

Duke University Center for Globalization, Governance, and Competitiveness


Global value chains and economic development


Andreas Rauscher

Andreas Löschel


German Chancellery, University of Münster


International Competitiveness and Environmental Policy:Compare Energy Costs


Lawrence Jane Rosfield

Lawrence I. Rothfield, Jr

United States

University of Chicago


Can World Heritage protect history


Mark Rozelle

Mark Rozell

United States

George Mason University


United States Presidential Campaign: Nomination Process and General Election


Austin Lee

Austin Lee

United States

Bentley University


A brief discussion on actuarial science


Peter Schautz

Peter Schoots

United States

Yale University


U.S. manufacturing employment and globalization trends: past, present and future


Marten Smets

Maarten Smeets


World Trade Organization Secretariat

Senior Director

IntegrationWTOMultilateral trading system: the role of trade construction


Grogger Charles Schaeffer

Gregory Charles Shaffer

United States

University of California


Inconsistency between international monetary law and trade law

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