Original Essay Calling

Campus original: I am from the United States

Published: October 31, 2005 Editor:

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Text/American student Lin Bijie

Halloween Memories

This fall is my first time to study abroad, and many people ask me:“What do you miss most about America?” When I tell them Even many Americans think Halloween is as important as Christmas

October 31st of each year is celebrated by the Celts (Irish pagans)SamhainSo October 31st is the last chance for all souls who want to stay in the mortal world to find a new body

Catholicism in Europe has begun to have a new custom: poor people go door to door asking rich people to give them food Although no one believes in those legends about ghosts and witches now Devils and more (even children’s favorite cartoon characters can be imitated):“Give me candy, otherwise we’ll be rude!But they will still receive a lot of candies

Some of my funniest memories involve this holiday Although w88 sports bettingHalloween is mostly about making children happy

What is the difference between the life of Chinese college students and that of the United States

I had no idea that Chinese would have such a big impact on me

Although Georgetown is in the capital of the United States (the same as the University of Economics and Business), it has many differences from the University of Economics and Business

It is said that if a Georgetown college student walks over that sculpture There is also a secret organization in Georgetownstewards?) But even I don’t know who its members are

I think the impression that our international students give to the students at the University of Economics and Business is not completely true

I didn’t go out often at night when I was at Georgetown UniversityGPASo the grades I get now are not as important as the ones I got at Georgetown

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