International Trade University Activities

Professor Emmanuel Gaillard, an authority in the field of international arbitration, visited the University of International Trade and Economics to give an academic lecture

Published: April 1, 2019 Editor: Law School

w88 online sports betting2On March 28, 2019, Professor Emmanuel Gaillard, an authority in the field of international arbitration, visited our school and w88 casino gamesheld a lecture titled "The Lack of Order in International Commercial Arbitration" at the International Exchange Center BuildingA special lecture on "Lack of Lack and Coordinated Resolution". More than 200 guests from the industry and teachers and students of the Law School listened to the lecture.


In the opening speech, Professor Gong Hongliu, Vice Dean of the Law School of the University of International Business and Economics, first expressed a warm welcome to Professor Emmanuel Gaillard for his visit to our school on behalf of the Law School, and then Professor Shen Sibao hosted the lecture. Professor Shen introduced Professor Gaillard’s rich professional background to all the guests.


Professor Emmanuel Gaillard first pointed out in his lecture that in the dynamic international commercial dispute resolution practice, subtle changes in any link will bring long-term and huge chain reactions to the overall dispute resolution mechanism. and create chaos or disorder.


Professor Emmanuel Gaillard’w88 slots wonderful lecture aroused enthusiastic response from the audience. During the question-and-answer session hosted by Vice President Gong Hongliu, teachers, students and guests from our school had a 40-minute discussion with Professor Gaillard.



The wonderful professional academic lectures brought by Professor Emmanuel Gaillard’s visit will help enhance the dynamic understanding and understanding of the new developments in international commercial arbitration by teachers and students of our school. After the speech, the Law School held a cocktail party for the guests.


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