Message from Ren Minghe, Director of the Infrastructure Department News Network:
School News Network established5Anniversary,On behalf of all the comrades of the Infrastructure Department,My heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to you and through you to the News Network press team!
Five years,School News Network adheres to the management philosophy w88 casino gamesof "Effectiveness·Service·Harmony",Keep up with the pace of the times,Pay attention to the development of the school,High quality、Efficiently completed reporting on various major events in the school,Became the guide of public opinion、A powerhouse of culture and education,Became a social cognitive school、The school’s window to understand society。You have obtained the manuscript13000Remaining articles, number of views exceeded120010,000 views and over one million readers,Many of your works have been reproduced by national mainstream media,Obtained recognition from society and school,Congratulations!
Wish News Network good luck in the years to come,Keep up the good work,Create greater glory!