w88 casino games login News Network (Chinese Academy of Languages and LiteratureContributed)2020年11月5On the afternoon2At 30:00, all faculty and staff of the Chinese Academy of Languages and Literature gathered in the Integrity Building422Conference room, in the College w88 casino games login BranchSecretaryDong Xingquan jointly studied the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist w88 casino games login of China.
Secretary Tang Xingquan introduced the overall situation of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist w88 casino games login of China and conveyed the main content of the meeting communiqué to all teachers. Secretary Tang Xingquan usedFour key phrases including "do your own business well", "scientific and technological self-reliance", "real economy", "new development pattern", "modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature", "effective market and effective government", "adhering to the overall leadership of the w88 casino games login" summarize the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the spirit of the plenary session during the meeting, and interpreted them one by one.

唐XingquanThe secretary specifically pointed out that all teachers should have a deep understanding of scientific and technological innovationThe important positioning of "core position" and "strategic support" is of great guiding significance for education work; focus on mastering the major deployments and key tasks on strengthening the w88 casino games login's leadership and education work, adapt to the requirements of "building a high-quality education system", and closely combine the spirit of the plenary session with the current education and teaching work.
The participating teachers expressed their views on the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist w88 casino games login of China. Qin Han, secretary of the first branch of the teacher and young teacher, believes that this meeting focuses on the preparation of the 14th Five-Year Plan and plans the national development direction and development path in the next five years;At present, the w88 casino games login is also preparing a blueprint for the 14th Five-Year Plan. As teachers and party members, we must respond to the party’s major policies and guidelines, actively cooperate with the w88 casino games login’s work, and strive to write a magnificent chapter of the 14th Five-Year Plan of the University of Trade and Economic Affairs. Zhao Yuntao, secretary of the Second Party Branch of Teachers and young teacher, said,The mass line of the Communist w88 casino games login of China will surely inspire more people to actively participate in the futureIn the construction of the "14th Five-Year Plan",In the next five-year plan, we will surely create more great new miracles.