w88 casino games login News Network (contributed by the w88 casino games login of Statistics)February 28On the afternoon of the afternoon, the theoretical center group of the Party Branch of the w88 casino games login of Statistics was in integrity727The conference room held a special study meeting. The topic of this study is"Study and implement the spirit of the National w88 casino games login Conference and promote the new semester of the college." The meeting was chaired by Li Yue, Secretary of the College, and President Liu Lixin, Vice President Guo Wei, Party General Branch Member Tang Xiaobin; Director Xiong Wei, Director of the Department of Data Science, Chen Quanrun, Director of the Department of Economic Statistics and Party Branch Secretary, Shao Zhichao, Director of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Zhang Yuzhuo, Secretary of the Joint Party Branch of the Department of Data Science and Applied Mathematics, and Deng Wenwen, Secretary of the Party Branch of the College, attended the meeting.

Director Liu Lixin delivered a key study speech. Combined with his experience in studying the spirit of President Xi Jinping's speech at the National w88 casino games login Conference, he deployed the college this semester's16Key tasks. He emphasized that in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the National w88 casino games login Conference, first of all, we mustAdhere to the Party’s overall leadership over the cause of w88 casino games login and insist on cultivating morality and cultivating people as the fundamental task. Secondly, we must deeply understand the changes in the environment and situation of higher w88 casino games login, and figure out who to cultivate people, how to cultivate people and what kind of people.16 work tasks, closely focus on the college’s central work this semester’s thesis defense, postgraduate re-examination, website construction, undergraduate enrollment publicity, ideological and political courses, laboratory construction, summer camp development, professional evaluation and other central work, strengthen teachers’ ethics and style w88 casino games login, and promoteConstruction of "Double First-Class", deepen teaching reform, strengthen teachers' professional level, and strengthen the quality of talent training.
Secretary Li Yue concluded,Seriously study and understand the spirit of the National Education Conference, comprehensively and accurately grasp General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions and scientific connotations on education, use the mind to guide work practice, promote teaching reform, and show the new atmosphere of the w88 casino games login of Statistics,Implement new actions,is the current and future priority. All comrades should continue to think deeply about the w88 casino games login triggered by the spirit of the National w88 casino games login Conference"Thinking Questions", guided by political construction, continue to strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and style, implement the task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, promote various teaching reforms, promote the implementation of key tasks in the new semester, and welcome the founding of the country with outstanding results 70th anniversary。