w88 online live casino News 4月16On the afternoon, Vice President Hu Fuyin met and attended in the conference room of the International Conference Hall on the third floor of the Integrity Building2007Guests from embassies from various countries at the opening ceremony of the Foreign Language and Culture Festival. The reception ceremony was presided over by Liu Jinlan, Secretary of the Party Branch of the w88 online live casino of Foreign Languages. Director He Xiangmin of the International Department, President Cao Hongyue of the International College, President Yang Yanhong of the w88 online live casino of Foreign Languages and other relevant leaders attended the ceremony.

Vice Principal Hu represented the w88 online live casino to attend the opening ceremony to Syria, Bahrain, Lebanon, Oman, Jordan, Yemen, Qatar, Somalia, Arab League representative offices in China, Mauritania, Palestine, Russia, Italy, South Korea, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Sudan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Kuwait, Vietnam, etc.23The envoys from various countries and national organizations expressed warm welcome and sincere thanks. He introduced the basic situation of our w88 online live casino and the characteristics of international w88 online live casino management to the guests, and hoped that all the guests could pay attention to the development of the University of Economics and Trade and actively explore multi-field and multi-level cooperation with our w88 online live casino.

Speaker of the Arab Embassy to China and Syrian Ambassador to China Mohamed Heier Wadi, spoke on behalf of the ambassadors of the ten countries to China, the counselors of the embassies of the eight countries to China and other diplomats who attended the meeting. He expressed deep gratitude to our w88 online live casino leaders, teachers and students and all those who participated in the organization of the cultural festival. He emphasized that the Foreign Language and Culture Festival has built a bridge for communication between our w88 online live casino and countries around the world and highlighted the diversity of world culture.
Finally, Vice President Hu had a friendly and friendly conversation with the guests on issues of concern to both sides, and the meeting ended in a pleasant atmosphere.