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Original Essay Contest

[Original] w88 casino games

Published: 2011-02-25 浏览次数:

w88 casino games

Li Jinglin

Off the lights and open the window.

The w88 casino games can always calm people down, mixed with the cold air below the north, and suddenly penetrates the thin clothes and swallows the temperature of the limbs. I always like to concentrate in the quiet of this w88 casino games, and my thoughts are flying more mysteriously than what flows during the day.

But in front of me, the starry sky and dark w88 casino games of the past are no longer the stars and dark nights of the past.

The newly completed twelve-story building stands quietly solemnly in the northwest corner of this small town, telling its existence in a silent way. But, but why do I feel that something is missing?

There will never be those nights, guarding a lonely lamp, staring at the w88 casino games sky like that, the depth seems to surround you. Thinking about something, or not thinking about anything, that quietness, that vastness, just like at that moment, in this world, there are only w88 casino games, lights and yourself;

There will never be those nights, standing by the window and looking at the village under the w88 casino games behind the building, and the old tree sandwiched in a dense brick and tile house. Its figure was so hazy in the w88 casino games.

There will never be those nights again. Looking at the sky that turns orange and red due to the snow, looking at the world that makes the w88 casino games light due to the reflection of the snow, opening the window to meet the coldness and feeling the favor from nature.

All of this goes away with that old time. In front of him, this giant blocked everything.

Forgot the sentence where I saw it, "The old time was a beauty." It is a beauty in my mind, and seems to have no flaws and no flaws.

Looking up at the sky from the densely packed high buildings, I feel like a frog in a well. It is not that I have short-sighted eyes, but that it is so far away from the truth.

From my senses, I found myself still being blown by the cold wind, I lit a lighter with a lighter, stuck out the window, watching the sparks splashing in the w88 casino games, and quickly burning out my life against the background of the lights in the opposite building.

Standing for a long time, meditating for a long time.

I lost my scenery.
