School News Network (provided by Beijing Institute of Opening Up)Recently, the seminar on "High-level Openness and High-Quality Development" hosted by the Beijing Institute of Opening-up of the w88 live casino of International Business and Economics was successfully held. Professor Lu Yi from the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua w88 live casino, Associate Professor Ji Qiong from the School of International Trade of Central w88 live casino of Finance and Economics, and Professor Liu Qing from the School of Economics of Hefei w88 live casino of Technology were invited to participate.

At the beginning of the meeting, Professor Zhang Guofeng briefly introduced the topic background of the Beijing Institute of Opening-up Research on the Path of Benchmarking the w88 live casino Rules of State-owned Enterprises in Beijing in the New Era, and warmly welcomed the teachers and students who attended the seminar. With the advancement of agreements such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the China-EU Comprehensive Investment Agreement (CAI), the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), China's process of integrating into regional integrated development has been accelerating.

In the results sharing session, Associate Professor Ji Zhifeng from the Central w88 live casino of Finance and Economics, Professor Liu Qing from the School of Economics of Hefei w88 live casino of Technology, and Professor Zhang Guofeng from the w88 live casino of International Business and Economics respectively introduced it. First, Associate Professor Ji Zhi shared the paper "Environment and International Trade: A Quantitative Perspective", which incorporates pollution as a by-product of production into a general equilibrium trade model to conduct quantitative analysis of the relationship between international trade, environment and environmental regulations.

Professor Liu Qing shared the paper "Regional Heterogeneity Effect of Export Tax Rebate Policy", which introduces export tax rebate and new economic geographical iceberg transportation costs to a heterogeneous enterprise trade model analysis framework, and explores the impact of export tax rebate policies on enterprise export intensity from the perspective of domestic transportation infrastructure construction. Professor Zhang Guofeng made relevant comments.

Finally, Professor Zhang Guofeng reported and displayed the project achievements of the Beijing Institute of Opening Up to the Outsider. On the one hand, the provisions on relevant provisions of state-owned enterprises in multilateral or bilateral agreements with important influence in the w88 live casino multilateral agreements or bilateral agreements (such as WTO, CPTPP, USMCA, CAI, etc.) were compared, and the relevant rules and standards involving state-owned enterprises in w88 live casino economic and trade rules were deeply interpreted, and the future development trends of w88 live casino rules of state-owned enterprises were analyzed from the aspects of the definition of state-owned enterprises, the FTA's state-owned enterprise clauses, WTO reform, and the position of major economic entities.

At the expert seminar, the experts at the meeting commented and exchanged on the content of the topic. Professor Lu Yi from the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua w88 live casino expressed his views on the background, current situation and difficulties and challenges of Beijing-managed enterprises connecting with international rules for state-owned enterprises, and put forward constructive suggestions on the future development of state-owned enterprises; Associate Professor Ji Qiong discussed and exchanged the research on Beijing-managed enterprises, and expressed his affirmation of the in-depth research on the actual situation by the research team; Professor Peng Fei and Associate Professor Zhu Chen from Hefei w88 live casino of Technology respectively conducted in-depth discussions on the transparency clauses of state-owned enterprises, non-commercial subsidy recognition and other related issues.
Finally, Professor Zhang Guofeng made a summary speech and expressed his gratitude to all the experts for coming to provide guidance. With the support of the Beijing Institute of Opening Up to the Outside, the research on the "Research on the Path of Benchmarking the w88 live casino Rules of State-owned Enterprises in Beijing in the New Era" has made phased progress.