w88 online casino betting News Network (provided by the Research Department) Recently, after receiving a notice from the European Commission's General Department of Education and Culture, Professor Bao Lu of the Law w88 online casino betting of our w88 online casino betting won the EU for his outstanding achievements in EU law teaching and scientific researchHonorary title of "Jean Monnet Chair Professor". "Professor Jean Mone" is the highest academic recognition of scholars engaged in European integrated teaching and research around the world. Currently, only a few scholars in China have won this honor.
Professor Bao Lu is one of the earliest scholars in my country to carry out EU law research and teaching. He has long taught courses such as "Judicine", "European Law", and "Introduction to EU Law" to undergraduate and graduate students, and has successively published results such as "Several Issues on the Law of the European Community", "Anti-dumping Law of the European Community", "Implications of the Elementary Court's Primary Sveticulture System", "The Directive Coordination Mechanism in European Union Law", "Fifty Years of the Construction and Development of the EU Legal System". He is the winner of the 10th Beijing University Teaching Teacher Award. He was a visiting researcher at the Institute of European Law and Comparative Law, the Department of Law of Oxford, and a senior visiting scholar at the European Research Center of Boston University. He is currently the director of the Institute of Comparative Law and EU Law of our w88 online casino betting, vice president of the European Law Research Association of the Chinese European Society, and vice president of the Beijing Jurisprudence Research Association.
It is reported that let•Mone is a famous European politician with a late French family. He is the "chief designer" of the European Unification Movement and enjoys the reputation of "the father of Europe". The Jean Monnet Program is initiated by the European Commission and aims to promote teaching and scientific research in the field of European integration from the higher education level and improve the understanding and awareness of research related to the field of European integration on a global scale.