w88 casino gamesRecently,The new book "Statistical Theory and Methods" edited by Associate Professor Wang Jinngle of the Department of Data Science of the School of Statistics is released, This is the first postgraduate textbook published since the School of Statistics vigorously developed textbook construction。

Associate Professor Wang Jinngle, School of Statistics, University of International Business and Economics Research field: non-parametric w88 online casinostatistics、Survival analysis and change point detection, etc.,Has published several academic papers in domestic and foreign journals。The public basic course "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" mainly taught to undergraduates、"Linear Algebra" and "Time Series Analysis", etc.,Teaching the postgraduate course "Statistical Theory and Methods"、"Frontiers of Data Science", etc.,And the doctoral course "Special Topics in Statistical Theory and Methods"。
This book strives to describe the basic theories and methods of statistics,Parameter statistics by using tools such as influence functions、Establish a unified system for non-parametric statistics and semi-parametric statistics,Explain the basic ideas of the three statistics and the similarities and differences between the three statistics。Focus on the construction ideas of three estimation methods in statistics,And the derivation of the theoretical properties of these methods。These estimation methods and their theoretical properties are the basis for students to further learn related statistical inference and application practices in the future。As an introductory textbook on statistical theory,Students need to have certain basic knowledge of calculus and elementary mathematical statistics w88 online live casinowhen reading this book。On the other hand,In order to allow more readers to read and understand the contents of this book,This book will try to avoid using measure theory、Relatively advanced theoretical tools such as empirical processes。Although the book involves such things as counting process、HilbertSpace、Martiningale process and other theories,Readers only need to read relevant books,After understanding the basic concepts of these theories, you can further study the relevant content of this book。This book focuses on the construction process of modern statistical methods,And the derivation and proof of theoretical properties,Leading students to lay a solid foundation for introductory statistics,Have a preliminary understanding of related fields of modern statistics。

Associate Professor Wang Jingle said,Education、Technology、Talent is the foundation for comprehensively building a modern socialist country、Strategic support。Graduate students serve as the reserve force of national scientific research,Is the key to talent cultivation。As a first-level subject, statistics is currently one of the most popular majors,The scope of its application covers almost all fields of social sciences and natural sciences。There are currently not many statistics textbooks for w88 casino gamesgraduate students in China。I hope that the publication of this book can play a certain role in the training of graduate students in our country。