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[People] Shi Jingxia: Universal w88 sports betting Services in the Process of Building a Harmonious Information Society in China

Published: June 3, 2013 Editor:

Shi Jingxia: Universal w88 sports betting Services in the Process of Building a Harmonious Information Society in China

Reporter Fang Yuanfei

w88 sports betting

In response to the backward economic development and remote areas in China's vast territory, she emphasized the importance of establishing a universal w88 sports betting service mechanism; in the face of the increasingly multifunctionalization of computer network technology, she pointed out that the digital divide should be narrowed and the public can generally enjoy high-quality w88 sports betting services. ”—She is Shi Jingxia, the current vice dean, professor and doctoral supervisor of our school’s law school.

From a doctorate in international law at Wuhan w88 sports betting to a master's and doctoral degree from the Yale w88 sports betting School of Law; from a visiting scholar at the Center for Business Law at the w88 sports betting of London to a global researcher at the School of Law at New York w88 sports betting in the United States; from dozens of high-quality academic papers that have influenced the academic circles at home and abroad to a series of high-end academic awards such as the National 100 outstanding doctoral thesis, Anzijie International Trade Research Achievement Award, Qian Duansheng Law Award, etc., and a series of high-end academic awards, as well as "Free Trade and Cultural Diversity in International Law , "WTOMonopoly on Service Trade Law" and Research on Legal Issues in Transnational Bankruptcy" and other Chinese and English monographs that embody hard work and insight. This is a series of shining footprints marked by wisdom and sweat...

As the development trend of China's w88 sports betting service market from monopoly to gradual competition, and joiningWTOThe post-revolution of China's telecom regulatory system has become increasingly urgent to reduce and eliminate the digital divide. Due to the natural profit-seeking characteristics of telecom operators and the imbalance in economic development in China, universal w88 sports betting services are called a concern in China.

Zhu Meng Yale and produces scientific research results in prestigious schools

The world-famous Yale w88 sports betting has a law school known for its strong faculty and strong academic atmosphere. It is the "Best Law School in the United States" that has been ranked in the "American Best Law School" for many years.

1998After graduating from Wuhan w88 sports betting with a Ph.D. in International Economic Law, Shi Jingxia began her formal teaching and research career at the w88 sports betting of International Business and Economics. Teaching in our school8After years, she began her further study at Yale Law School. Five years of Yale study experience further broadened her academic horizons and improved her legal knowledge system.w88 sports betting Universal Services in China – Making the Grade on A Harmonious Information Society ".

Shi Jingxia's achievement was soon "Journal of Technology Law & Policy》 decided to publish it. The article is included in the world's three major legal databases, and its views are cited by American scholars studying w88 sports betting law.

Based on the status quo and proposed universal services to benefit the people

2006Year of China joiningWTO, how to achieve the opening of the w88 sports betting service market and the reform of the regulatory system in the context of economic globalization became an important issue that needed to be considered in the development of China's w88 sports betting industry at that time. On the other hand, although measures such as the development of the western region and the rise of the central region have been effectively implemented, due to the vast land area of ​​our country, the current situation of unbalanced development among regions has not been fundamentally improved. In addition, the integration and multifunctionalization of computer and w88 sports betting networks have become particularly important to realize universal w88 sports betting services.

In this regard, Professor Shi Jingxia outlined a relatively practical and market-oriented universal w88 sports betting service framework, believing that the government should introduce corresponding measures to use the universal service fund as a sustainable financing mechanism to provide universal w88 sports betting services, and make full use of the financial and technological advantages brought by foreign investment participation, so as to penetrate w88 sports betting services into all provinces and regions of my country, so as to truly benefit the people. Shi Jingxia said that the problem of unbalanced regional development not only exists in the w88 sports betting industry, but also shows in other fields, such as postal services.

Follow reality, learn from experience, set up a fund to achieve universal service goals

The purpose of scientific research is to serve the needs of the country and solve the prominent problems faced in reality.

Under the market economic system, enterprises aim to pursue profit maximization. If you are powerless, companies are generally unwilling to provide w88 sports betting services in remote and backward areas.

Shi Jingxia also pointed out that there are still a series of issues that need to be continued to be studied in this regard, such as who will pay the fund and the appropriate payment amount, how to determine the fund regulatory authorities, and how to ensure fair, open and impartial selection of universal service providers, etc. "We cannot rely entirely on the market, but we cannot rely entirely on the mandatory requirements of the government. We must fully analyze the specific situation of the operators and consider various factors to find a suitable universal service fund plan." Shi Jingxia said that compared with Western countries, our country's universal w88 sports betting services still need to be truly implemented, which is a long way to go.

Returning from studying, devote yourself to our school's scientific research and teaching work

Five years of studying in the United States, a good academic atmosphere, a high enthusiasm for scientific research, and a mindset to serve the country as their mission have achieved Shi Jingxia's fruitful research results. But she has always believed that "law is a very practical subject. Although the research conditions and atmosphere abroad are stronger, only in her own country can the expertise she has learned be more useful." Adhering to this concept, she2011Nian Wanyan declined the invitation from some overseas law schools and resolutely returned to our school to continue her scientific research and teaching career. In the past two years, her work has not only added color to our school's legal education, but also has been repeatedly hired by the Ministry of Commerce, the Legal Affairs Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. to provide advice and suggestions as experts, and has undertaken key projects of the National Social Science Fund, as well as a number of research projects such as the National Development Bank and the Ministry of Commerce.

"The road is long and it is long, and I will search up and down." Professor Shi Jingxia's scientific research and teaching work will surely bear more fruits.

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