w88 online casino betting(Contributed by International Business Chinese Base)The "Benefit-Silk·Yunya Collection" series of activities "One Belt and One Road sponsored by the China Asia-Pacific Economic and Cultural Research Center of our school's International Business Chinese BaseLuis Fernando RojasStudents of the cultural experience camp of the Business Confucius Institute at the University of Leeds in the UK andsomePestle and mortar enthusiasts attended the opening ceremony.

Vice President Zhao Zhongxiu is hereThe Belt and Road Initiative and many countries and regions in the world have their own unique experiencesrealizing cultureIntegration, interoperability,It is alsoProfessor Jiang Yiping, president of the Beijing Chujiu Culture Research Association, said that this event is the first large-scale charity event held on campus since the establishment of the Beijing Chujiu Culture Research AssociationResearch and exploration of pestle and mortar culture in the world at the same timeNowVIP guest, Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of EcuadorLuis Fernando Rojas,Confucius Temple Guozijian Chengxian Guoxue Museum、Ms. Ji Jiejing, founder of Dongfang Public School,andUNESCO Consultant、Futurist Professor Qin Linzheng successively delivered speeches and expressed congratulations.

At the opening ceremony, Yunshang Power Group usedThe exhibits of different origins and shapes attracted w88 slotthe attention of pestle and mortar enthusiasts and Chinese and foreign students present

Afternoon2 points,One pestle, one mortar "Pestle and mortar" cultural seminar was successfully held in the Board of Directors Conference Room of the Scientific Research Building of our schooletc.Scholars and guests from professional fields came to the scene。Every guest delivered a keynote speech related to Chujiu culture。About Professor Jiang YipingtoThe seminar ended with a poem by a pestle and mortar lover
Indicates that our school has always attached great importance to this unique international cultural activity

Attachment information:
Event organizer: China Asia-Pacific Economic and Cultural Research Center, University of International Business and Economics: Affiliated to the Business Chinese Base of University of International Business and EconomicsChina Asia-Pacific Economic and Cultural Research Center is a high-end think tank that serves the country’s overall layout of Asia-Pacific cooperation
Beijing Chujiu Culture Research Association"One Belt and One Road One Pestle and One Mortar" Pestle and Mortar Culture Seminar and Hundreds of Pestle and Mortar Exhibition (2018/3/26-30)
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