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Published time: 2021-11-09 浏览次数:

w88 mobileIn order to further enhance the fire safety awareness of teachers and students in our school and improve the self-rescue and prevention capabilities. Recently, our school held the Chaoyang District Fire Safety Volunteer Trip and the launching ceremony of the "One Police Six Members" Fire Protection Basic Skills Credit Mechanism of the University of International Business and Economics. 

Deputy Director Tu Shuai of the Security Department w88 online casino bettingintroduced in detail the background and significance of the Chaoyang Fire Rescue Detachment's safety volunteers, and then gave a detailed explanation on the inclusion of safety education courses in Growth Huiyuan Class 2 and 3. I hope that students will master the basic skills of fire fighting and use fire extinguishers and fire hydrants correctly when encountering fires to improve everyone's ability to resist emergencies.

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Deputy Director Li Yong of the Security Department (in charge of the work) and Deputy Secretary Liang Wei of the School of Business issued letters of appointment to eight "Community Fire Safety Image Ambassadors" in Chaoyang District of our school. These eight students have been guided and trained, practiced repeatedly, and selected and determined layer by layer.

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8 students demonstrated how to use fire extinguishers and fire hydrants, and the operations of the w88 mobileeight students attracted a lot of applause. After the demonstration, the students came forward to experience the practical training of "extinguishing the real fire and emitting real water".

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This event is rich and comprehensive, highly operational and interesting, and the students are enthusiastic about participating. The implementation of the Fire Protection Propaganda Month activity has enhanced the fire safety awareness of teachers and students, improved the fire safety quality, and created a good fire safety environment for creating a safe campus and maintaining the safety and stability of the school.