w88 online sports betting News Network (Intern Reporter Ding Can and Wang Huanyu) November 9 is the annual National Fire Day. In order to improve the fire protection awareness of teachers and students in the w88 online sports betting, our w88 online sports betting has carried out fire protection, public security and transportation publicity activities.President Shi Jianjun personally attended the exercise site, and Director of Security Liang Erhua served as the general dispatcher of the exercise. Director of the w88 online sports betting office Yu Xingfa, Deputy Director of the Security Department Yuan Xiang, etc. also participated in the exercise.

Principal Shi Jianjun presented awards to students in the w88 online sports betting drill competition
Exercise time is noon11:30到12:30, locationOn the south side of Hongyuan Square and a canteen.This w88 online sports betting drill mainly includes actual w88 online sports betting extinguishing drills, w88 online sports betting water bag connections, etc.
11:30,Hongyuan Square has gathered many students to watch the w88 online sports betting protection publicity column and fill out the questionnaire. QuestionnaireSo widely solicit opinions from teachers and students on public security, fire protection, transportation and other issues that everyone is currently concerned about, so as to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of w88 online sports betting security work.
Deputy Instructor of the Asian Games Village w88 online sports betting BrigadeYang YuanweiweiThe students demonstrated how to use w88 online sports betting hydrants. The students were very enthusiastic, studied hard and conducted w88 online sports betting drills. Principal Shi Jianjun also participated in it and operated w88 online sports betting fighting drills with the students.The Security Department has also specially set up a public security service team composed of students to help guide.
Firefighters add gasoline to the drill device and ignite the w88 online sports betting source,Severe smoke and flames gushed out.After personally practicing the use of w88 online sports betting hydrants, students not only understand how to use w88 online sports betting hydrants, but also improve everyone's safety protection awareness. The Security Department also organized students to conduct w88 online sports betting competitions. The students who had quick and effective w88 online sports betting fighting also received prizes from Principal Shi Jianjun.

Firefighters ignite the w88 online sports betting source

After the guidance of professionals, students use w88 online sports betting hydrants to extinguish w88 online sports betting by themselves

Director Liang Erhua guides students to use w88 online sports betting extinguishers
At the same time, a questionnaire distribution office and safety publicity display board were also set up on the south side of the canteen to allow more students to participate in this event. The w88 online sports betting also specially arranged a competition to install fire water bag connections. The format is simple, but it fully mobilized the enthusiasm of students to participate in fire drills. Through the competition, the students mastered basic water bag installation skills.

A fun-friendly w88 online sports betting water bag installation competition

After professional guidance, students install the w88 online sports betting water bag gun head by themselves

Students fill out the questionnaire carefully

Students watch the safety education display board

Director Liang Erhua and instructor Yang Yuanwei were interviewed by reporters after the exercise

Yuan Xiang, deputy director of the Security Department, accepted an interview with reporters
After the exercise, Liang Erhua, Director of the Security Department, and Yuan Xiang, Deputy Director, said that this w88 online sports betting drill was very successful. The w88 online sports betting drill allowed students to learn the most basic ability to use w88 online sports betting hydrants and improve their w88 online sports betting awareness.
It is reported that the Security Department will make every year11月9日As our w88 online sports betting's "Safety Promotion Day", we will promote various safety activities, and carry out fire and earthquake prevention exercises as a daily work. In addition, the Security Office web page has been opened, URL:http://netc.uibe.edu.cn/app/uibesd/, the web page will provide you with some safety knowledge and safety instructions in a timely manner.