Alumni News

Vice President Yang Changchun led a team to participate in the Fuzhou w88 online casino Renewal Conference and visited Xiamen Alumni

Published: November 30, 2016 Editor:

School News Network (contributed by the w88 online casino)20161119, Fuzhou w88 online casino Renewal Conference in Fuzhou City, Fujian ProvinceConvened, Yang Changchun, Executive Vice President and Vice President of the w88 online casino, w88 online casinoSecretary-General Zhang RuiDeputy Secretary-General Miao QiInvitedAttends the new term conferenceConferenceThere are more than 100 alumni in totalRepresentativeand guests attend

FirstUniversity of International Business and EconomicsPresident of Fuzhou w88 online casino2011-2016year)Lin Yun1992District of International Economic CooperationBachelor's degree)TermWork summaryTells about the deep friendship between Fuzhou alumni for their alma materFuzhou AlumniNot only in the job positionOn selflessDedication, and even using your spare time to actively participate in alumni work and actively cooperate with the talent training of your alma mater. Every year, junior brothers and sisters from your alma mater are arranged to come to FuzhouPractice, internship, even for betterCareLife of junior brothers and sistersArrang them to live in their own homes so that they can feel itSincerity of Alumni's Love. Lin YunHighlightsSeveral yearsFuzhou w88 online casinoHow to carry out various projectsMeaningfulActivity,and passedTheseActivity contact, convergenceHelp Alumni

after, meeting reviewRevisedUniversity of International Business and EconomicsFuzhou w88 online casino Charter》Fuzhou w88 online casino of University of International Business and EconomicsMembership Fees Payment Measures"University of International Business and EconomicsFifth Council of Fuzhou w88 online casino (2016-2020Election Method. AllParty participantsHold hands and voted to passUniversity of International Business and EconomicsFuzhouw88 online casinoList of candidates for the fifth councilThe new member of the Council was elected.

Newly electedLin Jiangzhu, President of Fuzhou w88 online casino (1995, Department of Foreign Trade English)Represents the new elected member of the CouncilSpeech,Main introductionNew CouncilIn the next few yearsWork ideasFirst,Walk to the alumni, practicalCareAlumniPersonal Development;Second, the planning is uniqueAlumni Events,AttractAlumni follow the w88 online casino; third,InheritanceThe previous CouncilExcellentTraditional,Lei Master of Trade UnionsThe spirit continuesPromote

Subsequentw88 online casinoSecretary-GeneralZhang RuiInvitedIntroduced the work of the General Assembly,Especially for school anniversary65Anniversary Alumni Series Events,And will always be greetedPassed toAlumni in Fuzhou. Miao Qi, deputy secretary-general of the w88 online casino, read three congratulatory messages from the old president Sun Weiyan, Shenzhen w88 online casino of the University of International Business and Economics and YouboChuang Manager Club

LastVice PrincipalYang ChangchunRepresentative School, the w88 online casino expressed their sincere congratulations on the successful holding of the Fuzhou w88 online casino's term change conference and expressed their support to the alumni representativesSecretary Jiang Qingzhe andPresident Wang Jiaqiong's greetings, I hope that through them, this greeting will be conveyed to all alumni in Fuzhou.He introduced the majority of alumniSchools that you care moreDevelopmentmainRecent InformationAlso interpretedAboutRelated policies for alumni to participate in alma mater alumni activitiesHe said,Fuzhou w88 online casinoIt is from the University of Trade and Economics w88 online casinoMember of the Council, also outside Fujian ProvinceUniversity Alumni FederationFormalMember, which is in line with the national regulations on social group managementHope alumniAs alwaysSupport the work of the new council and build the Fuzhou w88 online casino into the spiritual home of the Trade Union in Fuzhou.

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Yang Changchun,Lin JiangzhuLin YunZhang RuiSpeak

1119On the afternoon of the day,Yang Changchun and his partyAfter participatingFuzhou w88 online casino Renewal Conference, rushing to Xiamen to participate in the Xiamen w88 online casinoActivity, visit local alumni.

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Xiamen w88 online casino Group Photo

Yang ChangchunActivityIn the speech, the w88 online casino expressed the commentsPresidentRuan Wenting1995Commercial Inspection ProfessionalSuccessfulReelectionCongratulationsThanks to Xiamen w88 online casino for their support for the work of the General Association,Representative SchoolExpress my sincere greetings to all the University of Trade and Economics alumni in Xiamen.

After the speech,Yang ChangchunRepresentative to the University of Trade and Economic Affairsw88 online casinoRuan WentingissuedAlumniOutstanding Contribution Award for WorkTrophy

Yang Changchun awarded it to Ruan Wenting, President of Xiamen w88 online casinoTrophy of "Outstanding Contributions to Alumni Work"

Ruan WentingRepresents Xiamen AlumniYang Changchun expressed a warm welcomeHe saidI will definitely continue to work hardAlumni serve to gather the strength of Xiamen alumni, and willXiamenThe special activities of the w88 online casino will be passed on, trulyAlumni united.

Activity is in progress, Yang Changchun stillSinging affectionatelyThe song of the alumni "Sunflower, getAlumni warmly applauded. Xiamen w88 online casino AlumniRepresentativeLiu Junfeng also participated in the poems he created after the thirty years of graduationShare together,RaiseAlumni present to alma materMemories andEmotion,ActivityThe climax.

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