Wang Zhimin: w88 live casino tests Trump's Asian policy
(Source: Russian Satellite Network 2016年11月10day)
Li Baodong, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of w88 live casino11月10In Beijing, he said on Sunday that he hopes that the new US government will support the construction of the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone. Beijing believes that the project is not only in w88 live casino's interests, but also in the interests of various economies in this region, including the interests of the United States.
This is the first time that Beijing has shown a diplomatic posture to the new US administration after Chinese leaders congratulate Donald Trump on his election as the new president. The idea of establishing the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone is in2014The 22nd informal meeting of APEC in Beijing was supported, and the host's lobbying was of great significance. And soon to11月19Sun to20At the 24th APEC informal meeting of leaders held in Lima, Peru on Sunday, this issue will also become one of the hot topics. Progress will not be ruled out, especially given that w88 live casino has helped Peru prepare for the informal APEC leaders' meeting in terms of financial and organization.
Now is still there to the Lima Summit10day, and w88 live casino is calling on the United States to support this project on today, the second day after Trump was elected. Andre Volokin, an expert at the Institute of International Hot Issues at the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Foreign Ministry’s Institute of International Hot Topics, believes that this is not a hasty move, but a precise chess game in which w88 live casino leads other countries in Asian politics.
He said, "Behind w88 live casino's pure economic initiative, there is a long-term goal, to clarify the US's intentions in the Asia-Pacific region, not limited to the level of foreign economic ties. I believe that Beijing will gradually perceive the Trump administration's position on the distribution of power in the Asia-Pacific, the US-Japan-Russia triangular relations and the future of Sino-US relations. In my opinion, this initiative is being written into w88 live casino's general geopolitical concept and cannot be viewed from an economic perspective alone."
Donald Trump firmly opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement proposed by Barack Obama (TPP). Understandably, the project supporters will not hand it over to the new White House owner casually.TPPUsed as a tool to curb w88 live casino. Plus if the project fails (this is very likely), Beijing will have new reasons to sarcastically sarcastic AmericansTPPPartners, especially Japan, South Korea, Australia and Canada. w88 live casino will say, look, you are loyal to the United States in every way, but in the end you have to be merciless at the change in the political situation of your allies.
Beijing understands, ifTPPWhen the collapse of the Asia-Pacific economic and trade structure will have a certain vacuum. The proposal to promote the construction of the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone seems quite neutral at first glance, but on the other hand, this is also an attempt by w88 live casino to intercept the initiative.
Reuters at11月9Japan noticed that Trump's advisers - Peter Navarro and Alexander Gray wrote the following passage in Foreign Policy magazine: "Considering the role w88 live casino plays in the WTO, Trump will never sign a bad agreement again, sacrifice the economy for diplomacy, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement,TPP. These transactions will only weaken our production base and our ability to protect ourselves and our allies.
As for whether the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone project will be included in Trump's "bad agreement" list, it is still difficult to say. Meanwhile, considering US approvalTPPScandal, Trump is likely to actively respond to the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone initiative. Andre Volokin believes:
"Trump is a pretty pragmatic person, so his anti-w88 live casino remarks and election as presidential candidate45The actions after becoming the US president are likely to be very different. Trump will undoubtedly treat w88 live casino's proposals pragmatically, not to mention that the United States, Russia and w88 live casino are obviously the three major power centers that are inconsistent in today's international politics.
Wang Zhimin, director of the Institute of Globalization and w88 live casino Modernization, University of International Business and Economics, believes:
"Trump represents the interests of the Republican consortium, and has always been withTPPexpressed opposition, and Hillary, as the initial promoter of the plan, also expressed opposition, of course, she is likely to be for the number of votes. Speaking of the issue of "w88 live casino hopes that the new US government can support the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone and intends to cut off the US Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", I think this statement is not accurate.12Pan Pacific countriesTPPAfter the agreement reached a basic agreement, US President Obama commented that the United States does not allow w88 live casino and other countries to write rules of the global economy. This does mean to target w88 live casino.TPPAfter the agreement reached a basic agreement, w88 live casino's reaction was very calm, and the Chinese government has always been open and inclusive. Moreover, w88 live casino and the United States, the largest developed country and the largest developing country, all occupy an important position in the world.9In Hangzhou, Xi Jinping and Obama successively deposited the ratification documents of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change to Ban Ki-moon. This shows that w88 live casino and the United States play an important role in maintaining world peace and promoting global economic prosperity, and the two countries should cooperate.TPP. But now it seems,TPPIt is going to be stranded and it is difficult to be submitted to Congress for approval. Therefore, it is not that w88 live casino wants to cut off this plan, but that Trump is cutting it off.TPPStand on hold for a while, but Trump will last longer. ”
In addition,TPPIt has also been opposed by a large number of lower classes. Because of participationTPP的12In countries, there are many low-end workers, and they are all worried that their "rice bowls" will be taken away because of this. Especially the US economy is recovering, and some lower-class people do not have much sense of gain.1月20Day will step down. Negotiations of the Sino-US investment agreement have been underway29The round has now entered its final stage, and w88 live casino has always hoped to reach it during the Obama administration. If it can be achieved, it will be a political legacy for the Obama administration.
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