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Xinhuanet: (Huang Yong) The key to scientific and reasonable market supervision is to ensure effective competition

Release time: 2017-02-25    浏览次数: 次   Editor: Li Zihan Liu Xuan

Experts say: The key to scientific and reasonable market supervision is to ensure effective competition

(Source: Xinhuanet 2017-2-24

Xinhua News Agency Beijing2month24日电(Kwong Xixi, Zhao Wenjun)The basic concept of protecting competition is long-term、Basic,The key to scientific and reasonable market supervision is to ensure effective competition。”24日,At the symposium of the Market Supervision Expert Committee held by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce,Said Huang Yong, Director of the Competition Law Center of the University of International Business and Economics。

experience21months of research and demonstration,my country’s first mid- and long-term market supervision plan "Thirteenth Five-Year PlanMarket Supervision Plan》This year1Introduced on month. Planned22Involving competition policy,Proposed to strengthen the implementation of competition policy,Play the fundamental role of competition policy,Integrate competition policy into the entire process of economic development。

22Experts and scholars involved in the formulation of the plan at the symposium,On how to strengthen planning implementation、Expressed opinions on improving the market supervision system and mechanisms。Expressions from participating w88 casino gamesexperts,The policy positioning of market supervision focuses on protecting competition、Encourage innovation。Relax market access,Promote market openness and sharing,Conducive to stimulating the innovative vitality of competitive entities,Is the source of power to promote supply-side structural reform。Next step,It is necessary to combine strengthening market supervision and popularizing competition culture,Strive to cultivate and promote a competitive culture,Create a good atmosphere to promote the implementation of competition policy。

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