AJTGroup holding company donates to w88 live casino15.110,000 US dollars (total10010,000 yuan)
w88 live casino News Network (Reporter Chen Huan, Photographer Yujun)11month29Sunday afternoon2Point, University of International Business and Economics60Anniversary celebration300The countdown launching ceremony was held grandly in the International Conference Hall on the third floor of Chengxin Building。All w88 live casino leaders、Mid-level cadres、Teacher and student representatives、Make an appointment with representatives of old comrades and alumni200People w88 live casinoparticipated in today's ceremony.
At the launching ceremony,AJTGroup holding company donates to w88 live casino15.110,000 US dollars (total10010,000 yuan),Specially used to support the construction of the w88 live casino’s e-commerce research institute。In warm applause,Principal Shi Jianjun accepted the donation on behalf of the w88 live casino and donated it toAJTGeneral Manager of the Beijing Representative Office of the Group Holding CompanyChen ChuanlianMs. issued the appointment letter of director of the w88 live casino education foundation.
Attachment:AJTIntroduction to the Group Holding Company
AJTGroup holding company was established in2005Year,is an international investment company,The investment direction is mainly concentrated in high-tech fields、ITIndustry and e-commerce, etc.,Investment areas mainly include the United States、Japan、China, etc.。The company has experienced core and high-end management、Professional and technical investment team,Good at working with social groups in various fields、w88 live casino and enterprise cooperation,Support new science, technology and industries。