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[News] Director of the WTO Rules Department, the University of w88 login held a lecture on the theme of "w88 login Remedies and Prospects in 2013"

Release time: 2013-12-03 浏览次数: 次 Editor: Qiao Xuezhu Chen Huan

School News Network (Correspondent Yan Lihong) 2013year11month19On the morning of the same day, we should attend the School of Law, University of International Business and Economics, ChinaWTOInvitation from the Institute of International Law,WTODirector of the Rules DepartmentJohann HumanMr. is a guest in the administration building222In the conference room, a wonderful lecture was given to the teachers and students of our school.

HumanMr. CurrentWTODirector of the Rules Department. Rules Division isWTOAn important functional department of the Secretariat,Specifically responsible for assisting members in all matters concerning dispute settlement and rule negotiation in the following areas,Including w88 casinoanti-dumping agreement、Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures、Safeguard Agreement、w88 login-Related Investment Measures Agreement、Plurilateral w88 login agreements such as the Working Group on State-owned Trading Enterprises and the Civil Aircraft Agreement。HumanMr. has served as a w88 login official in the South African government for a long time,And served five timesWTOThe expert team members of the case are internationally renownedWTOLegal expert.

Before the lecture started, Vice President Zhao Zhongxiu metHumanDirector,Express a warm welcome to his visit to the University of Economics and Business,And introduced the University of Economics and Business’s expertise in international w88 login andWTOOverview of teaching and research and our school’s relationship with domestic and foreign countriesWTOThe achievements and prospects of cooperation and exchange among research institutions.

The theme of this lecture is "2013Year w88 login Remedies and Prospects” (w88 login Remedies in 2013 and Beyond)。Lecture by the Vice Dean of the Law School、Presided over by Professor Shi Jingxia, Director of the Institute of International Law,ChinaWTOProfessor Tu Xinquan, Vice President of the Institute、Associate w88 casino gamesProfessor Lu Xiaojie, Tsinghua University Law School、Lawyer Fu Donghui, partner of AllBright Law Firm、Attorney Xiao Jin, partner of King & Wood Mallesons、Lawyer Jiang Ke、Lawyer Su Chang、Lawyer Zhang Wenjuan、Professor Chen Weidong, School of Law, University of International Business and Economics、Associate Professor Chen Jianling and others attended this lecture。

HumanThe Director used detailed data and precise analysis,Introduced in a simple wayWTOMembers’ w88 login remedy practices and characteristics in the past five years。He pointed out,In terms of the use of anti-dumping and safeguard measures,Developing country members, especially emerging economies, have surpassed developed country members,Become the largest “user”。In the field of countervailing goods,Traditional “users”, namely members of developed countries such as the United States and Europe, are still the largest users。At the same time,WTOThe Anti-dumping Agreement is involved in the dispute settlement、The "Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures" and the "Agreement on Safeguard Measures" account for a large proportion of cases,Exceed the total number50%。The United States w88 live casinois the largest respondent in w88 login disputes involving w88 login remedy measures,And other members,In particular, the proportion of w88 login remedy measures in emerging economies in the dispute settlement mechanism is also increasing。HumanThe Director made a special analysis2008The reason why w88 login remedy measures did not increase significantly after the global economic crisis,Including the difficulty of proving damage、Cost and time limitations of w88 login remedy investigations、The world production and w88 login pattern caused by the global value chain "I am among you"、I have you in me" and anti-dumping agreement, etc.WTOThe role of rules.HumanThe Director also specifically discussed the two counter-revolutionary and one-guarantee measures taken by other members against China、China’s measures to deal with foreign countries, including two counter-revolutionary measures and one safeguard measure、and related dispute settlement cases were introduced。Last,He predicted the prospects for w88 login remedy measures in the coming year。

atHumanAfter the Director’s speech,Participants discussed w88 login remedy measures in free w88 login agreements、WTODispute settlement involving w88 login w88 online casinoremedy measures、Evaluation of the ruling results of relevant cases of the expert panel and the Appellate Body、Issues such as the role of the Secretariat in dispute settlement andHumanThe director held a lively discussion and exchange.

This lecture is given by the Law School, ChinaWTOInstitute、Hosted by the Institute of International Law。Invite senior officials and experts from international organizations to visit and give lectures in our school,It is our school’s strengthening of cooperation withWTOAn important way of direct communication and cooperation with other international organizations,Contributes to the implementation of our school’s strategic goals of cultivating international talents and cultivating outstanding legal talents。from now on,Law School and ChinaWTOThe institute will strengthen collaboration,Strive to create more opportunities and platforms for exchanges and cooperation with international organizations。

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