Our school2014The year of undergraduate admissions has made a good start
School News Network (Correspondent Li Yongle)7月5Day, our school2014The admission work of the college entrance examination officially kicked off. According to the admission process, our school has recently completed the admission work of Ningxia, Jilin and Beijing.
From the admission score, our school still does w88 slotnot change its strong momentum in previous years, with the lowest admission score hitting a new high, Ningxia's lowest admission score line610points, the lowest score last year (588points) has risen again22points; minimum admission score line for science subjects618points, the lowest score last year (595points) has risen again23points. Jilin advance admission score line for liberal arts students623points, the lowest score last year (584points) has risen again39points; minimum admission score line for science subjects652points, the lowest score last year (636points) has risen again16points. Beijing Early Approval Liberal Arts Minimum Admission Score Line619points, one-point score line54points; minimum admission score line for science subjects642points, one-point score line99points.
This fully shows that with the increase of comprehensive school management strength and the increase of popularity, our school has become one of the first choice universities for students to study and further their w88 live casinostudies. This is also a full reflection of the comprehensive improvement of our school’s influence and reputation at home and abroad in recent years.
Next, there are a total of other provinces and cities100The enrollment and admission work of the remaining batches will be carried out intensively. The Admissions Office of the Student Affairs Office will adhere to the sunshine admission policy and strictly implement the Ministry of Education's admission work“Ten public”、“Six Not Accurate”和“Ten prohibited”, by“Admission from high score to low score”ensures the fairness and justice of the college entrance examination admission work and makes new contributions to the school's recruitment of better students.